Comparing MSP Pricing Models


Choosing the right Managed Service Provider (MSP) pricing model is important for businesses seeking IT support in Perth. The different types of MSP pricing models can vary, each suited to different business needs and budgets. 

To ensure smooth operations and prevent costly disruptions, many companies choose to partner with Managed Service Providers. 

This article explores the most common pricing strategies to help businesses in Perth make informed decisions that align with their IT requirements.


MSP Pricing Models


Break-Fix, Adhoc Hourly Rate Model

The break-fix model, also known as the hourly rate model, is a traditional approach where businesses pay for IT services on an ad-hoc basis. Technicians are charged by the hour to diagnose and resolve specific IT problems.


  • Cost-effective for businesses with infrequent IT issues.
  • Offers flexibility as companies only pay for what they use.


  • Unpredictable budgeting due to fluctuating costs based on issue complexity and time spent.
  • Reactive approach can lead to higher overall costs if issues escalate due to lack of monitoring.
  • Downtime can occur while waiting for technician availability.

Break-Fix can be suitable for:

  • Startups with minimal IT infrastructure.
  • Businesses with a strong internal IT team that can handle most issues and only require occasional external support.

Average cost: $150 to $220 per hour


Range and Tiers Model

The range and tiers model offers a more customised approach. Businesses provide details about their size, industry, and IT complexity. Based on this information, MSPs create tiered service packages with varying levels of support included. Each tier caters to specific needs, allowing companies to choose a plan that aligns with their budget and IT requirements.


  • Scalable: Businesses can upgrade or downgrade tiers as their needs evolve.
  • Cost-effective for companies with mid-range IT complexity.
  • Provides a clear understanding of services included in each tier.


  • Requires upfront disclosure of detailed information about the business.
  • Potential for price increases as companies move to higher tiers with growth.
  • Might not offer perfect customization for unique IT needs.

Ranges and Tiers can be suitable for:

  • Growing businesses with evolving IT needs.
  • Companies that require a balance between cost-effectiveness and comprehensive support.

Fixed Fee Plans


Fixed fee plans offer the most predictable budgeting option. Businesses pay a flat monthly fee that covers a comprehensive range of IT services, including proactive maintenance, monitoring, and ongoing support. This model promotes a preventative approach to IT management, potentially minimizing downtime and reducing the need for expensive reactive fixes.



  • Predictable budgeting with a set monthly fee.
  • Proactive IT management minimizes downtime and prevents issues.
  • Provides peace of mind with comprehensive support.


  • Generally the most expensive option compared to other models.
  • Might be overkill for businesses with very basic IT needs.

Fixed Fee Plans can be suitable for:

  • Businesses with complex IT infrastructure and a high reliance on technology.
  • Companies that prioritise uptime and want to avoid the risk of unexpected IT costs.

Average cost: $100 to $220 per user/device per month


Choosing the Right Model for Your Perth Business

The ideal MSP pricing model depends on your unique circumstances. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • IT Complexity: Businesses with intricate IT needs will likely benefit from the comprehensive support offered by Fixed Fee Plans.
  • Budget: Break-Fix can be cost-effective for businesses with minimal IT issues, while Fixed Fee Plans offer predictability for those with larger budgets.
  • Growth Potential: The scalability of the Range and Tiers model might be ideal for companies anticipating significant growth.


By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each MSP pricing model, Perth businesses can make an informed decision that aligns with their specific needs and budget. Partnering with the right MSP such as Western Technology can ensure optimal IT performance, improve operational efficiency, and contribute to long-term success. Don’t hesitate to consult with multiple MSPs in Perth to compare their offerings and pricing structures before making your choice.

Managed IT Cost Estimation Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

An MSP offers outsourced management and support of IT services for businesses, enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

The primary models include Break-Fix/Hourly Rate, Per-User, Per-Device, Tiered Services, and All-Inclusive or Flat-Fee.


The Flat-Fee model offers the most predictability, providing comprehensive services for a consistent monthly charge.


Consider factors such as your budget, IT needs complexity, and preference for operational flexibility. It’s also helpful to discuss your specific needs with potential MSPs such as Western Technology in Perth.


Many MSPs offer the flexibility to switch between models as your business grows and needs evolve. Check with your provider for their specific policies.


Tiered pricing offers different levels of service and support, each with its own set of features and price points, allowing businesses to scale services as needed.


Transparency varies by provider, but it's crucial to ask about potential additional fees for services like after-hours support or emergency assistance.


In this model, you only pay for IT support when issues occur, typically at an hourly rate. It's suited for businesses with minimal IT demands or a strong internal IT team.


Fixed-fee plans provide extensive support, including proactive monitoring and maintenance, which can help prevent issues before they arise and ensure smoother operations.


Yes, consulting with an MSP can help tailor the pricing model to your specific business needs and goals, ensuring you get the most value from your investment.




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